How it works

The Divertizer service consists of two parts: the web Portal and the Divertizer. The shifts can be managed online on the Portal; the Divertizer takes care of diverting calls to different members phones


The Divertizer is a dedicated Android phone with the Divertizer app installed. It holds the SIM-card of your shift phone.

Every night the Divertizer receives a text message with the diversion schedule for the upcoming day.

Although the app does show some information on diversions, it can be put away once configured as long as it remains powered and has a connection to the provider/operator.

The Divertizer app


The Portal holds the calendar for your organization. You can assign a shift to any member. The website takes care of sending an up-to-date schedule to the Divertizer every night. Last minute changes can be made on the calendar or just start an instant, manually triggered diversion.

The Portal

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Is your phone business critical? Do you heavily rely on phone calls being diverted? What if:

  • the website is down? 
  • the Divertizer is broken? 

Although these occasions are rare, they can happen. And you might need a plan to mitigate these risks. As Divertizer was developed with a health care environment in mind, these aspects are all addressed in the design phase.

If for whatever reason your Divertizer fails, you still have access to your SIM card. Just take the SIM card out and put it into another GSM phone and divert the calls to the one on duty. Just make sure you have a spare phone (with charger:-) lying in a drawer in case someone needs to divert the calls manually.

If for some reason the portal is down, you can just use the phone where the Divertizer app is installed and divert calls manually.

Another option would be, to see if and how you can divert calls on the website of the provider of the SIM card. Someone with access to that website would also be capable of manually diverting calls if the Divertizer fails. 

As you remain in possession of the SIM card (and the associated phone number), you are always in control. It is as simple as that.

If your Divertizer phone is new, the battery typically lasts for a week or more. If the battery is weak and your power supply is not reliable, you can insert a power bank which supplies power to the Divertizer while being charged. Depending on the time span you would like to bridge, you can buy a lower or higher capacity power bank.

You do however need a power bank with a pass through possibility: charge and supply at the same time. For instance the Trust Primo series available at (Dutch webshop) would do fine. You have to supply the power bank  through USB-C to make the pass through work.

On average an Android phone with Divertizer app consumes around 1 Watt. Per year this is no more than 9 kWh which costs less than a beer in your local pub (depending on your pub, your beer preference and your electricity contract)

If you run it through a small power bank of say 5000mAh, it would theoretically run for more than 24 hours on that power bank in case of a power outage. Assume half of that as a safety margin.

If you would like to mitigate the risk of a broken Divertizer, you can create a spare Divertizer. Just install the app on another Android phone.

As nor the Divertizer app nor the phone is linked to your SIM card, you can change the SIM card whenever you like.

Yes you can have multiple Divertizers which can be managed through the same portal. You can create schemes where on one Divertizer members have daily shifts, while at night it diverts to the other Divertizer which has its own day and night shifts.

However, the subscription fee for the additional Divertizers remains the same. When you order an additional Divertizer subscription you can indicate whether you would like to have a new portal or share and existing portal with a previously ordered Divertizer subscription.

Yes. At least we think so. As long  as your SIM card is a standard GSM SIM card with a monthly subscription. Please make sure that your Divertizer phone is supported by the network of the shift phone as some operators are abandoning 2G and 3G in the future.

Although prepaid cards might work, we do not recommend using prepaid cards. They often do not comply to the standard way of diverting calls. Many times they do not even support diverting calls at all

There is no need for a data-plan (3G/4G/5G) on the SIM as the Divertizer gets all commands through SMS; a connection to the provider is enough. The SIM card in the Divertizer phone should just be capable of handling all diverted calls and sending SMS notifications.

This fully depends on the phone you intend to use. Most new SIM cards are nano-sized with larger frames for larger SIM sizes. Most newer Android phones support nano-sized Sim cards.

Yes you can, although not directly. If you purchase a new mobile subscription and permanently divert your non-mobile number to it, you can use this Divertizer on this new mobile number. None of your customers or clients need to know this new mobile number; they can still call the old non-mobile number. This double diversion does not have any influence on diversion speed; when you call the member on duty, the phone rings immediately.

The members will get notifications from the new mobile number.

No. You can create employees without requiring them to register. You just have to supply a name and a phone number to create a employee. You can even mix registered employees and created employees.

Created employees can obviously not log in to the portal and are only suitable to divert calls to.

If you do not want to expose the real names of your employees from a privacy point of view, just use a nickname or their initials as a name. If you even do not want to expose the phone numbers of the employees, look at the Privacy section

Ultimate Privacy

If you really do not want your members to register their email address, you can just enter employees with phone numbers in the shift administration. If you also do not want their phone numbers to be stored on our servers, Ultimate Privacy kicks in.

Employees can be created with nicknames in the shift administration. These nicknames are necessary to plan shifts for the actual employee represented by that nickname. These employees also have a phone number. Instead of their real phone number, you can provide a label ranging from +1 to +99. This way, nothing which relates to the actual employee is stored on our servers.

In the Divertizer app, there is a hidden menu where these labels can be mapped onto the real name and real number of the employee. The real name and real number are used for the actual diversion and the notifications. The phone is the only place where the real names and numbers reside. As the phone is also not required to be connected to the internet, no one can hack the phone to get this data. Physical access to the phone, and thus the app, can be prevented by means of the phone’s standard pin-code. Together, these measures provide Ultimate Privacy.

Example: in the Portal an employee is created with the nickname VIP with label +42. Shifts can be created for VIP just like normal. In the Divertizer app, label +42 is mapped onto the real name Very Important Person and the real phone number +31612345678. Notifications mention Very Important Person in the text instead of VIP.

Mapping Selector for Ultimate Privacy

The number of employees you can divert calls to, is practically unlimited; you just pay per Divertizer. Also the number of calendars is unlimited.

Yes. As receiving SMS is free wherever you are and diverting calls is done on the Divertizer, there is no difference from a Divertizer point of view.

Yes. You just need to make sure that your subscription supports diverting calls to different countries.

Be aware that all calls being diverted are typically also charged on the SIM card in the Divertizer. If you need to divert calls to employees with different country codes, make sure that you know what will be charged for these calls.

Yes, diversions can be made explicitly to the voicemail by diverting to an employee called Voicemail. Implicit diversions to voicemail are also possible when nothing is scheduled for a certain time slot.

No, only certain registered employees can change the schedule. You can even assign the role of changing schedules to a registered user who is not part of the schedule (the secretary for example). You can also split access to the different calendars to different employees.

The Portal supports manual diversion for registered employees. When you want to go to the cinema and would like to divert the phone to a colleague temporarily; the Divertizer takes care of it by pressing a button on the Portal. Once you are back home, just divert it back to yourself. You and your colleague get notifications on these manual diversions just like on scheduled diversions.

Divertizer also supports more complex schedules with a day shift and a night shift where the day shift is to be prevailed over the night shift.

For the employee with the weekly nightshift only one shift needs to be defined which lasts a week. The day shifts are assigned to other members.

Once the day shift ends, the Divertizer diverts to the one on the night shift; the next morning it is diverted back to one one who has the next days shift. All members involved get notifications upon every change in shift. You only need to define one shift for the member on weekly night shift; the night shift, so to say, fills the gaps.

For recurring shifts spanning larger periods of time we created the PortalPro option, which really makes entering many similar shifts a breeze.

When you update the schedule for the upcoming day, you can force update it manually on the Portal. Changes for the next day and later are automatically updated in the nightly update.

Every diversion, whether according to schedule or triggered manually, results in SMS notifications. The Divertizer sends notifications to the employee getting the new shift and the one being released of the previous shift.

The one released of the shift gets to know to whom is diverted; the one getting shift gets to know who was the previous one and when it will be diverted next and to whom.

Although the Divertizer website is in English, you can set the SMS notification language per Divertizer. Standard languages are English, German, French and Dutch. If your preferred notification language is not yet available, please contact us so we can try to support it in the next release of the Divertizer app.

Employees can subscribe to an online calendar which shows when their shifts are planned. Works for all popular calendars like Apple Calendar, Microsoft Outlook, Lotus Organizer, Google Calendar.